Monday, March 16, 2009

New Toys and Shin-Splints

Today is Monday which means that today is not a running day, its an aerobics day. I LOVE aerobics! There are about 8 teachers who get together after school on Monday and Wednesday for an hour of old school aerobics and it is soo much fun. I joined the Aerobics class about a year ago and now beast the class, I mean barely get out of breath beast it (that does not mean my muscles are not sore, i've just conquered the cardio aspect of it). So anyway today was an aerobics day and despite my still very sore left shin I did aerobics, which of course means that my shin is now more sore. Oh well I will ice it and stretch it and hopefully in a few days I will feel better.

Anyway! On to the exciting part of today's blog. . .the toys! I have an Ipod Nano 3G (for the non-techsavy of you, its the little square one with the video screen). I love my nano, but since I started running, well really walking last summer I have wanted to get one of the Nike+ kits for my ipod that will track how far I am running and calculate my mph and all that cool stuff. Well the problem with that is I have the red headed stepchild of all ipods and to my knowledge a case was not made that would hold both my ipod and the nike+ transmitter without having the transmitter dangle precariously off the end of the ipod. Well yesterday I found a case that will carry it all! So this morning I ordered my Nike+ kit and the case and this little clear thing that puts the shoe chip on your laces since I don't have the Nike shoes with the little hole for it. I'm excited! The other piece of Ipod related running news is I found a great way to keep myself on pace! On itunes there is a free pod cast called "podrunner" its all techno music but it is constructed so that you run with a certain beat to regulate your heart rate and the include little chimes that tell you when to run and walk. There are three programs, one for a 5K, an 8K and a 10K. So I downloaded the one for the 5K, I'll let you know how it goes, its a 10week program so well see :-)

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting! I can't wait to see how it works! And you do beast aerobics.
