Saturday, March 21, 2009

My name is Danielle and I am an Overpronator. . .

So in addition the nasty food poisioning I got this week, my shin splints were still a problem. My Dad suggested that I come in and have him perform a gait analysis to see if it my shin pain was a result of something in my running style. So I decided that Chris should come in with me because I didn't want to be the only lab rat. So this morning we packed up the munchkin and headed to Pope for our analysis. Chris went first, Dad got him on the treadmill and got the camera going and within about 5 minutes we were watching Chris run on the screen in slow motion. My husband with his freakishly flat feet apparently has a perfect gait. Now it was my turn. . .yikes. So I get going on the treadmill and I can already feel my shins starting to hurt! No fun. Anyway I finish my filming and Dad starts to analyze my gait. Its not good! Apparently I am a severe overpronator! Even to my untrained eye I can see that there is something wrong once he slowed the film down. Well here I am confused, because I have a high arch and overpronation is generally only an issue if you have flat feet. Color me confused! So I'm basically a freak! Oh and by the way from the back on film it looks like I run like a Duck, so I guess calling myself a penguin was not far off.
Dad looked at the shoes I had been wearing, my pretty Under Armors and said that they are great for a neutral foot, which is what I would be with my high arch, if I wasn't an overpronator. Oh well. Dad gave me some stretches to do which should help to strengthen my hip flexors and help to correct my overpronation. He also gave me a list of approved shoes for my issue. S when I got home I hopped on the computer to see if any of our local stores would have them. . .yeah ofcourse not. They had the men's versions, but no the women's ones! Dammit! So I found them online and ordered them: Asics Gel-Evolution 4

They should be here in 2 to 3 days and I'm really hoping they will help my running pain! I can run through the fatness, but I really can't run through these shin splints!

1 comment:

  1. I've never had my run analyzed by someone who knows whats going on, but I get made fun of when I run... I look ridiculous.
