Friday, March 20, 2009

I DON'T <3 Applebees

On Tuesday night Megan's hubby Joe (who came up from Georgia for work) did the sweetest thing. He offered to watch Riley so Chris and I could go on a dinner date! Yay! So Chris and I decided to go to Applebees, which we both love. So we go and have a great time, good food and a chance to talk to each other without the munchkin. It was so nice! Well by 10:00 that night my belly no longer thought it was so nice. EWW! That was Tuesday, its now Friday I still feel like crap! I've been bloated and crampy and so uncomfortable that I tutored Chemistry yesterday afternoon laying on a lab table. So needless to say I didn't run yesterday. This morning I am feeling a little better (despite haivng to run out to the bathroom every 10 or so minutes) so I'm hoping that the trend continues and that maybe by this afternoon I can make up for yesterday's missed run. I also got my Nike+ kit so I can't wait to try that out! I am still waiting for the clip for my shoe and the arm band, but hopefully they will all come this weekend :-)


  1. I hope it is from the food, and not the good time you and Chris had after dinner...

  2. whoa! changes to the blog again! you're too colorful for words. how's your tummy? did you run this weekend?
