Friday, March 27, 2009


So lets review. . .I've lost 25 lbs since summer (yay!) I'm still about 30lbs overweight (BOOOO!) and despite my best efforts I have hit a wall weightloss wise. Thats were all this running stuff comes in. I have never been a runner, but I figure I need to shake it up workout wise so here I am. Anyway about two weeks ago (on Running Day 3) I started feeling shin pain, major shin pain, I brushed it off to simply being out of shape, I figured I could run through it. Then I found out I was wearing the drastically wrong shoes for my running style (severe overpronator) and that that was probably contributing to my pain. So I shelved the new shoes (the Under Armors) in favor of my old Asics and on Wednesday I went out for a wog. I was in pain, but pushing through it until I was about 2/3 of the way through my designated Wog path something happened. I don't know what it was, did I step wrong or something, I don't know, but I ended up in tears because I hurt so bad and barely able to put any weight on my left leg. I hobbled home (about a mile) and tried to stretch and ice and take motrin and nothing has worked. Even walking around my house hurts! So yesterday my new new shoes came. Super motion control Asics Gel-Evolution 4 that are supposed to help with the over pronation. They are comfortable and great, but even walking in them hurts! So I don't know what to do at this point. I can't afford to take time off of my training schedule, but if I don't rest who knows if it will ever feel better and to add to that my dad pointed out yesterday that it may be a stress fracture.

So now here is the point I am at. . .I'm still a fat girl trying to run. Is it the fact that I'm stressing my body by trying to get 175lbs running that has lead me to this or something else. At this point with the way I'm feeling I'm leaning towards its the fattness that has me in so much pain and it SUCKS! I really want to be a person who runs, but now I'm thinking it may be much harder than I thought. I knew that in the beginning this would suck a lot, but I didn't think it would suck this much!


  1. Stein, I think you are fantastic. And I think you look fantastic too. Plus, you have given birth to a beautiful boy. Just keep working toward your goal a little bit at a time. You will get there by and by, and the journey there- painful as it might be- is what makes it worth it. But don't run on a stress fracture, crazy! Give it time to heal!

  2. I love you!!! At least you're doing it. I could have written your post (lost weight, still over weight, not a runner, etc) except the difference is you got off your ass and you're trying! I know you are as stubborn and determined as I am and will be kicking ass and taking names by your 5k!
