Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 1

So now that my running friends (Megan and Meredith, M&M I will call them collectivly) have lite a fire under my butt I am going to attempt this craziness they call fun. . yeah fun. :-/ So today was Day 1. After doing a little info gathering on my faithful interweb I decided to try a modified Couch-to-5K plan. This plan is aimed at couch potatoes, I am not a potato (I prefer to think of myself as a penguin because of my short legs) so I'm modifying it slightly. The plan instructed me to warm up for 5 minutes with a brisk walk then run for 90secs and walk for 3 minutes. I decided to warm up and shoot for 2 and 3 (run 2, walk 3). Well it turned into run 2 and walk 4, but I figured that was an okay start. Chris came with me and pushed the little Bean in the jogger (thanks honey!) to lend some moral support. You have all met my husband, he is an amazon! Six-four to my five-four, his legs are over half of my body. You have to see where I'm going with this, we can't run together! I jog, he walks very slowly next to me. But I appreciate the love! My goal was to do a 30 minute walk/jog/thing through my neighborhood, I am not ready to run in the public yet. So we set off from the house, Mommy, Daddy and Beanie in the jogger. We did our 5 minute brisk walk warm up and then I started to run. Yeah that wasn't so bad, but hell its only the first two minutes. Well I make it the first two minutes with out making an ass of myself, yay! I'm not too out of breath and the hyperventilating breathing hasn't started yet. Oh but wait we are only 7 minutes in to our thirty minute adventure. I walk my four minutes and go again and this is where the fun begins. I CANNOT RUN AND BREATH PROPERLY!!! I don't know what the proper way is (the interweb gives me conflicting stories) but I know that whatever my body does is just WRONG! I get about a minute into my next cycle and I start hyperventilating! So I focus! In nose out mouth, in nose out mouth. Yeah that doesn't help! So Deep in through mouth out mouth, nope not that either. Thankfully my two minutes ends and I can stop. My darling Christopher has run beside me and tries to give me tips like breath when you step with your right foot or every other right step. I try to explain to him that I am focusing on not falling and just trying to get air into my lungs any way I can I can't remember which step or foot I'm on, that will not work for me! And well the rest of my run goes this way. Run two minutes, hyperventilate, walk four and repeat. But anyway I made it the entire 30 and I didn't die. . .yet! Hey there is always tomorrow so someone teach me how to breathe and run already!

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