Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thanks Honey!

Chris came home for a weekend visit from BNOC on Friday! It was so great to see him since he has been gone for a few weeks. After his deployment earlier this year I knew I would be okay and these 7 weeks would streak by, but it was a nice suprise that he was able to come home halfway through. So this morning I asked him to come for a run with me so that he can see how I have progressed since starting my 5K plan. Really if you think about it, when I started this nonsense I was only able to run for 60 seconds at a time, today I ran for 5 minutes at a time. I know I still have a long way to go, but hey I had to start somewhere!

Anyway Chris and I got geared up and got Bean situtated with GoldFish and his own water bottle of juice and took off. We did a nice 3 miles in about 40 minutes. Poor Chris has to run very slowly to keep pace with me, but I really appreciate the effort! I felt a lot better about my run today than I did on wednesday when I started the new route, so hopefully in another two weeks I'll feel great! :-)

Thanks again honey!

1 comment:

  1. Awe! How sweet that you run together! The only thing Jay and I do together is drink beer, hahaha!
