Monday, May 11, 2009

Because Cory Neil told me too. . .

I had a great run today! :-) I ran 2.7 miles with an average pace of 12:30! That is huge for me! :-) I left Riley at daycare and went for a solo run and it was awesome. I wrote of my awesomeness on facebook and Cory Neil said that I must blog, so here it is. :-) My only issue at this point is I'm getting a little bored with my route. I've been running the same route for almost two months, its convenient and the right length and time, but really I'm bored! I think I may take a drive around the hood (yes that's right I said hood) tomorrow and checkout some new routes.

I also went to Dick's today and got some Body Glide (that sounds way dirtier than it actually is) to prevent chaffing and body stickage issues. I also got a Camelbak because solo running means no jogging stroller and no jogging stroller means no water bottle and a running momma is a thirsty momma. Wednesday is my next running day, we'll see how it goes on my new course! :-)

1 comment:

  1. you're doing a great job sticking with it!!! 12 1/2 minute pace is quite a feat--you're doing great! and your mini-me is very cute!
