Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Okay this isn't so bad

While I'm still not in love with running its not sooo bad. Mind you I'm still hurting a lot with my shins, and they are sore to the touch I am able to push through as long as I take it easy between runs. So that means I've had to quit aerobics for the time being and quite frankly that sucks! I love aerobics and I'm really got at it, but these race people have my money and I'm determined. So I have finally progressed to week 2 of my podrunner series and I think I'll end up making it through week 8 of 10 before my race June 6, thats not too bad since I had to take two weeks off to let my shins rest. Week 2 kicked my butt yesterday, but I think a lot of that has to do with pushing the jogger, but like I said before I can't just leave Riley at daycare when he is been there all day so I'll deal.

Thanks to my Nike+ kit I am at least able to see that I am getting a little faster with the running. When I'm running I am doing usually between a 9 and 11 minute pace, so that is good since I was shooting for 10. My only problem now is working on my endurance! I am still running intervals (with the intervals getting progressively longer) but its still intervals. I'm hoping by race day I can at least run a pretty good stretch at once and only have to take two or three walk breaks. The path I'm running right now is about 2.5 miles and I do that in 30 minutes and considering how much I'm walking I can probably get that down to 22-25 if I was running more than walking. . . so its good.

I know I won't win the race, I want to finish and not embarrass myself, the not embarrassing myself is key! So here is hoping!

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